Public archive software
for this century

Picture of archive

At a glance




    • Unlimited pages
    • Unlimited categories
    • Limited storage
    • Custom domain
    • Existing site integration
    • Custom design
    • Secure backups
    • Dedicated support
    • Data import and export


    Custom pricing

    • All Standard features
    • + Usage-based storage pricing
    • + Advanced custom design
    • + Custom features

Get in touch

By emailing us, you can schedule a brief call with founders Taichi and Sawyer to discuss how Trove can empower your work.

We love hearing about your successes, challenges, and planning how Trove (or a custom-built solution) can help.

In your email, provide some basic details like your full name, role, and organization (if applicable).

Describe the kinds of items you'd like to display in your public archive.

If you're using an existing public archive solution, we'd love to see it.

If there's an example of a public archive you admire, we'd love to see that too.

If you'd like to schedule a call right away, provide your availability.

Send your message to [email protected].